Nie musisz pisac nic wyszukanego. Kilka zdan wystarczy. Cos takiego jak to:
To whom it may concern
Following on the number of telephone conversations and social media messages I now demand all my outstanding wages to be paid to my bank account within 7 days from receipt of this letter.
If I will not receive my wages in full by the day stated above I will have no other option but to contact ACAS and start formal action against you.
If you have any further questions or require any further clarification from myself please do not hesitate to contact me on 077……
Wpisz tam swoj numer, wydrukuj, wyslij recorded i poczekaj 7 dni. Jak kasy nie bedzie to dzwon smialo do ACAS. Maja darmowych tlumaczy wiec sie dogadasz.