Strona główna Działy English Zone British parents should have only 2 kids – carbon emissions

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  • #16686

    Doctors have said that British parents should have fewer children, because kids cause carbon emissions and climate change. Choosing to have a third child is the same as buying a patio heater or driving a gas-guzzling car, and that GPs should advise their patients against it.
    The Optimum Population Trust calculates that “each new UK birth will be responsible for 160 times more greenhouse gas emissions
    .."Unplanned pregnancy, especially in teenagers, is a problem for the planet, as well as the individual concerned. But what about planned pregnancies? Should we now explain to UK couples who plan a family that stopping at two children, or at least having one less child than first intended, is the simplest and biggest contribution anyone can make to leaving a habitable planet for our grandchildren? We must not put pressure on people, but by providing information on the population and the environment, and appropriate contraception for everyone (and by their own example), doctors should help to bring family size into the arena of environmental ethics, analogous to avoiding patio heaters and high carbon cars."..
    Jeszcze tylko rozwiązać problem z pakistańskimi rodzinami, które maja srednio 5 dzieci i uratujemy planete 🙂

Wyświetlanych postów: 1 (wszystkich: 1)
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