Może to Ci pomoże
[quote:0fcccc856c]12.4 Disposal hearings
(1) A disposal hearing is a hearing –
(a) which will not normally last longer than 30 minutes, and
(b) at which the court will not normally hear oral evidence.
(2) At a disposal hearing the court may –
(a) decide the amount payable under or in consequence of the relevant order and give judgment for that amount; or
(b) give directions as to the future conduct of the proceedings.
(3) If the claim has been allocated to the small claims track, or the court decides at the disposal hearing to allocate it to that track, the court may treat the disposal hearing as a final hearing in accordance with Part 27.
(4) Rule 32.6 applies to evidence at a disposal hearing unless the court directs otherwise.
(5) Except where the claim has been allocated to the small claims track, the court will not exercise its power under sub-paragraph (2)(a) unless any written evidence on which the claimant relies has been served on the defendant at least 3 days before the disposal hearing.
Btw jeśli masz polskie prawko tzn:tylko częśc plastikową, a dostałeś mandat to musisz zapłacic koszty postępowania sądowego.Jeśli masz prawko angielskie to nie musisz, bo wpisują Ci to wszystko do części papierowej.
Chyba jednak lepiej poszukac prawnika, a to będzie słono kosztowac..