Niekoniecznie polski paszport musi byc paszportem drugiej kategorii.
Od pewnego czasu władze Hiszpanii zaostrzyły przepisy odnośnie podróżowania do i z Hiszpani:
[i:549ab94bfd]"Flights from the United Kingdom to Spain – Advance Passenger Information (API).
From 13 June 2007, as part of measures to ensure aviation safety and security, the Spanish Government requires all airlines to provide compulsory information on passengers departing the UK for Spain. This information includes full given name, nationality, date of birth and passport number. are complying with the request for API (advance passenger information). We are investing in new technology to collect the necessary information at check-in and we do not, therefore, anticipate any extra queuing times for our passengers. Passengers using our online check-in facility will be able to provide their data at the "fast bag-drop", if they have baggage to check-in, or at the departure gate, if they have hand baggage only.
However, it is sensible to remind all our passengers that check in for international flights closes strictly 40 minutes prior to departure, by which time you must have completed the check in process. We continue to strongly recommend that all passengers arrive at the departure airport no later than 2 hours before the scheduled departure time in order to allow sufficient time to complete the check in process and clear Airport Security. If you are planning to travel with excess baggage please allow extra time."[/i:549ab94bfd]
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