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Wyświetlanych postów: 11 (wszystkich: 16)
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  • #67625

    tak o wyglad czegos co zrobili dla nas (jako podwykonawcy) ale mi o skladnie chodzi … Jak to zamienic by mialo rece i nogi …

    btw mam nadzieje,ze nie o moje zdanie wstepne chodzi ?? 😉


    …contractual obligations which result in ……
    …. contractual obligations, (the) consequence(s) of which (is) are ………

    oczywiscie ze nie o Twoje zdanie wstepne chodzi 😀

    'We would strongly [b:b474e8d46b]recommend[/b:b474e8d46b] ❓ your decision not to make good your defects is [b:b474e8d46b]reconsidered [/b:b474e8d46b] ❓ [b:b474e8d46b]as your failure to do so[/b:b474e8d46b] ❓ shall……

    cheeky girl

    czy twoj szef jest Anglikiem?? 😆 😆 😆
    a moze robi to celowo, zeby cie sprawdzic?

    co do zaznaczonego fragmentu to 'portrayal’ odnosi sie raczej do przedstawienia czegos w obrazie, sztuce lub ksiazce,

    moze chodzilo mu o cos takiego:
    'poor image/quality of the products that results from your action’[/b]


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    rollingstone wrote:

    …contractual obligations which result in ……
    …. contractual obligations, (the) consequence(s) of which (is) are ………

    oczywiscie ze nie o Twoje zdanie wstepne chodzi 😀

    'We would strongly [b:c6f047d05d]recommend[/b:c6f047d05d] ❓ your decision not to make good your defects is [b:c6f047d05d]reconsidered [/b:c6f047d05d] ❓ [b:c6f047d05d]as your failure to do so[/b:c6f047d05d] ❓ shall……

    akurat z tym recommend to bym zostawila 🙂 reszta bardziej mnie razi
    (w stronie biernej recommend sth is done)

    active: we recommend you reconsider your decision
    (typical subjunctive – treated like we suggest you do sth)
    passive: powstaje (be+past participle)

    we recommend your decision is reconsidered

    czemu to sie nie podoba?


    ”cheeky wrote:

    czy twoj szef jest Anglikiem?? 😆 😆 😆
    a moze robi to celowo, zeby cie sprawdzic?

    szef jest Szkotem 🙂 to wszystko tlumaczy hehehe
    nie nie robi tego specjalnie 😉



    "We would strongly recommend your decision not to make good your defects is reconsidered as your failure to do so shall result in the following actions by ourselves:
    a) Contact with your suppliers (name) to advise them of your actions in failing to meet your contractual obligations and the poor portrayal of the products your action reflects.
    b) … "

    OK, for the first sentence I’d substitute "make good" for "correct" although both mean the same, basically. I guess I tend to use the word correct more frequently than make good, and it sounds more familiar to me.

    About the a) bit, what about this?

    a) Contact with (supplier’s name) to advise them of your poor actions, which fail (or failed, if they’ve happened already) to meet your contractual obligations, and portray a poor image of the (or maybe their) products.



    btw in construction "make good" is the formal term. When a project is finished and all defects are rectified a Making Good Defects Schedule is issued, hence the word in the letter.


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    Malgon wrote:

    czemu to sie nie podoba?


    imho, it sounds like a quasi-legalistic jargon and although the sentence is grammatically correct, due to open punctuation it sounds garbled.


    Yeah Malgon, you’re right.

    I wasn’t completely sure about what I wrote so just before going to bed I checked it on my dictionary to prove myself wrong. 😳

    I should know better. 🙁


    you were not wrong 😉 it applies only to construction, I think.
    How should you have known that?? 🙂
    Generally I prefer correct, too.

    M I K E


    Nie jest to prosta materia, terminologia raczej prawnicza (dot.umow podwykonawczych i innych kontraktow oraz doplenienia/lub nie -warunkow umowy).
    Mysle Malgon, ze to Ty podjelas sie trudu skonstruowania tego tekstu, gdyz Twoj szef ma klopoty z gramatyka i ortografia. Znam to…

    Jesli moge zaproponowac moj szkic tego fragmentu:

    contact your suppliers regarding failure to meet the contractual obligations and the low quality of products your action reflects…

    Zdazaja sie teksty np.takie :

    This action is being taken as a result of your (lub our) failure to meet the performance of the supplier on appropriate level and the low quality of their products…

    Ale osobiscie uwazam, ze wciskanie na sile tego "failure" jest zbyteczne.

    Co o tym sadzisz?

Wyświetlanych postów: 11 (wszystkich: 16)
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