Strona główna Działy English Zone Wielki Księgarstwo w Bibliotece Centralnej 27.1.07

Wyświetlanych postów: 1 (wszystkich: 1)
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  • #12476

    [b:f85ab12458]Not enough books on your shelves at home?[/b:f85ab12458]

    Well, then. Take the chance to bag a bargain in the annual library book sale, which will take place this year in the crypt of the Town Hall (because the lift in the library is out of order at the mo) on Saturday 27th January from 10am to 3pm. One day only!

    All the books are ex-stock, which means that they’ll be well-thumbed and carrying the library stamps/labels. All of them are in English, both fiction and non-fiction (ie, novels and reference) and 1 pound each. There will be also on sale videos and music CDs.

    If you’re not really interested, at least take advantage of this opportunity to see the crypt, which used to be the prison cells in the Town Hall. Entry is free.[/color:f85ab12458]

    See you there, 😉
    any questions? just ask. 8)

Wyświetlanych postów: 1 (wszystkich: 1)
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